Report neediz allows you to easily write your activity reports.
For greater efficiency, think of writing your report immediately after each appointment, so you will not forget important information.
If you are mobile, no need to return to the office at night to report your activity, do it immediately with your iPhone.
Thanks to neediz Report, clients and project teams are alerted immediately of your work, the next steps to achieve ... and we hope your future success.
>> Select appointments directly from your calendar to automatically upload as much information as possible: Who? / When? / Where? / Purpose of the appointment.
>> Write your report in three minutes, selecting from a list of customizable choices: the nature of your appointment, your products, the next steps …
>> Locate your business specifically, according to the place of appointment.
>> Add rich content to support your point: photos and audio recording.
>> Send your activity reports with the tool used by 99% of your customers and employees: email.
>> Set up your mailing list to automatically send activity reports to your project team.
>> Stay connected to your customer relationship management tools (CRM) and favorite projects with the "Email to" feature : Salesforce, Evernote, Producteev, Basecamp, Mavelink...
>> Customize the set lists and fields based on your activity.
Its easy, neediz Report is the only solution that lets you write your reports in three minutes:
Who? - When? - Where? - Purpose of the appointment - Nature of the appointment - Business proposal - Next Steps - Comment - Sent To - Attachments.
neediz Report is for all people who wish to keep accurate track of their appointments or their business meetings.
neediz Report is also the ideal tool for salespeople who are accountable for their activity in mobility.